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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

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Liu Ying Sheng Wu before the Emperor sat down to meals that the new play will be end up with, which is the prerogative of the emperor, when he wanted to eat, you have to wait on someone to give him, but also up in the shortest possible time is up in the food, Liu Ying Yuan was going to openings on the emperor Sheng Wu said some what. Sheng Wu emperor to see Liu should look like, he first spoke and said: talk today, if we talk to finish, then we are to you tomorrow you will do well in any case I will let you go home the ...

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Sunday, August 5, 2012

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Zhao Zhongbang lift to get off, two Japanese women found

Saturday, August 4, 2012

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

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Yang Guang did not make her more cranky, and immediately went and said: a new you, before everything from your body erased,north face cipher, can no longer haunt us nothing. The Ninghai Qin have been listening to Yang Guang, then before the heart suddenly a cold, but
The edge, head turned to the back of the couch while eyes were closed, let their bath in the Yang Guang burning eyes.
Take a deep breath again, Yang stabilize the breathing, it can not be anxious, now the ceremony, Yang Guang in the hearts of so silently, and then bent over the head start of a crusade ...... the Ninghai Qin in the Yang Guang to indulge in her lower body, and finally no longer support him, sweetly moaning out.
From the lower abdomen and legs, then Yuzu, and finally stand up over head by the foot, Yang is a touch left, not the slightest hang around, and finally the sound of her Jiao Yin complete this eclectic Looked due to emotional body skin white reddening the Ninghai Qin, Yang Guang hearts full of love, tonight, he will not let her feel inferior, feel unhappy. He let her become like Oda to Shiori same happy little angel.
In fact Yang Guang of the so-called washing is he has long wanted a good, kind of like religion, like a lie gives psychological comfort Yang Guang is not ready on Ning Haiqin, to do only with their acupuncture close technique coupled with the unique cold and heat, infuriating his Book of Changes pulp washing t